5th generation wrestling simulator
5th generation wrestling simulator

5th generation wrestling simulator

Monster Clown: The general aesthetic of the animatronics, mostly due to the above mentioned Facial Horror.Mechanical Muscles: Their endoskeletons are, rather than being basic rail-thin robots, designed using a system of cables that resemble a proper musculature.So far as we know, they only ever claimed one child victim — Afton's own daughter. Irony: William Afton designed them with the intention of being stealth child murderers.Homicide Machines: Obviously a given for this franchise, but this group has the distinction of being killers by design and not corruption.

#5th generation wrestling simulator simulator#

Haunted Technology: Nothing explicitly says it in Sister Location, but Pizzeria Simulator explicitly confirms Baby to be Elizabeth, and, given that Henry set the place on fire to destroy the Remnant in the remaining animatronics' bodies, it seems Ennard was as well.And then there's what happens when they open up to reveal their endoskeleton. Facial Horror: Their faces are all made up of panels that constantly shift and change.The main difference is that the Funtimes are built specifically to kidnap/kill children, while the Toys were built with a connection to criminal files to keep children safe. Both are clown-themed, exceptionally advanced animatronics. Evil Counterpart: To the Toy animatronics.Ballora needs one, Funtime Foxy takes two, and Circus Baby takes three shocks, but still doesn't appear on stage. Electric Torture: Used to keep them in line, shockingly enough.

5th generation wrestling simulator

  • The Dog Bites Back: They're presumably trying to kill you due to having enough of being shocked, by either you or the previous technicians.
  • Demoted to Extra: Poor Bonnie is now nothing more than a Hand Puppet for Funtime Freddy, and Chica doesn't appear at all.
  • Ultimately subverted, however, as 'scooping' does not kill the animatronics, but rather lets them combine their endoskeletons together to create Ennard. We get to see this happen to Ballora, which leaves her a mangled shell with one eye hanging from her face.
  • Cruel and Unusual Death: All of the Funtime animatronics are eventually taken to the Scooping Room, where their endoskeletons are torn out of their shell bodies in one sudden motion by the "scooper".
  • Blush Sticker: All of the animatronics have large dots on their cheeks.
  • Is a Crapshoot: Unlike the original animatronics, which were possessed by dead kids, this group seems to have complete artificial intelligence.

    5th generation wrestling simulator